30 Days Writing Challenge, Day 13 : Favorite Book

2 min readMar 21, 2023


Source Image : Goodreads

Since childhood, my parents have often invited me to bookstores to buy or borrow books I like regularly. My parents did that so I could still have entertainment because I didn’t have many friends when I was little. After all, there were no neighbors around my age.

However, the habit of reading stopped for a long time, I tried to read regularly again, but if the book is outside the textbook, I find it challenging to finish it all the way. Until finally when in 2021, which is arguably the year of the lowest point in my life, I accidentally found a book like the one shown in the picture above.

Because at that time, on Twitter, many said that the book was perfect because there were many motivational words based on my religion. So, I bought the book, and I chose it as my favorite book because through it, I was able to revive myself, and at the same time, my interest in reading returned to what it was when I was little.

The book, “Maaf Tuhan Aku Hampir Menyerah,” contains motivational words that, in my opinion, are not patronizing and can make my heart feel calm. In this book, I am again made aware that in the end, all problems in this life will be solved if we stick to Allah SWT.

This book is also a slap in the face for me, who is too focused on worrying about the world’s problems while not caring too much about the afterlife, even though the two must be balanced. There are so many great quotes in this book. But one of my favorite quotes in this book is:

“Takdir Allah itu selalu yang terbaik, bila terasa belum baik, berarti takdirnya belum selesai. Sabar, sabar kuatkan kesabaran.”

I want to thank this book’s author because he helped me rise from the abyss of darkness when I thought I wanted to give up and had no more strength to try.

