30 Days Writing Challenge, Day 15 : If You Could Run Away, Where Would You Go?

1 min readMar 22, 2023


Source Image : Pinterest Christine Rees

Until the 15th day of this 30 days writing challenge, seeing the topic of this article, I can answer that if I can escape, I will go somewhere with cold weather and beautiful natural scenery because cold weather can improve my mood. It must be nice to go to a place like New Zealand, Switzerland, or some other country with such beautiful scenery and spend time there without worrying too much about it.

Without social media, just spending time there reading a book or silently gazing at the beauty of the natural surroundings while sipping a warm drink like hot cocoa, it certainly feels calming to escape to a place like that.

Even now, when I see photos of that country, it still feels impossible for me, and I always think: can I go to a place like that one day? Where does the money come from, and how? However, we should not limit dreams, right? who knows, one day, I can continue writing this and tell my experience in one of these countries.

