30 Days Writing Challenge, Day 23 : A Letter To Someone, Anyone

3 min readMar 31, 2023
Source photo : Pinterest

I wrote this letter for those of you who have just graduated from college, without work experience during college, and need clarification when you are confused about what to do or apply for jobs because I was once in this position.

If I could go back to that time, I would have told myself during college to get lots of experience and learn various skills needed for work, not just focus on studying and chasing course grades. No, I’m not saying that it’s wrong to focus on achieving GPA scores during college; these scores are also included as one of the essential components for getting a job.

But we can’t go back to the past, for those of you already in the same phase as me. So, the first thing I suggest is if you are still confused about what field you want to work in, try to find several job positions that interest you. Then look at the job vacancy and see what skills are needed to reach that position. Currently, there are many learning media to improve skills, either via YouTube or there are also many platforms that provide free courses.

After doing this, you will see whether you are interested in the position and have a great interest in honing your skills in this field even deeper. When you can choose what role you want and have attended the training, try to focus in the future on taking more activities related to that position. Still, the advanced level is no longer primary, and if possible, take training where there is a final project as a portfolio at the end of the program.

Indeed, the path is not easy, and there will be many tears and always trial and error, not to mention the pressure from the many people around who always ask whether or not we are working and why we are not.

But believe me, one day, your struggle will bear fruit. Even though this sounds clichéd, for those of you who are also Muslims, there is one verse from a surah in the Koran that is very reassuring when you are struggling, namely surah An-Najm verse 39–41. This verse makes me believe that whatever I strive for will bear fruit; even though the results may not be what we want, they could be more than what we think.

Besides that, I know very well that when we haven’t got a job, we tend to withdraw from the circle of friends, especially when our friends have jobs. From my experience, I also started temporarily but still looking for other friends to share my feelings with who are in the same position. I used to look for friends online from a base on Twitter called worksfess.

The result is a great relief to confide in each other anonymously to someone in the same position. Yes, we agreed not to reveal each other’s identities. And when I read the many stories on the worksfess Twitter base, I became stronger again and thought I was not alone in feeling this way.

I’m also making other efforts, namely creating a LinkedIn account, connecting with people already working in positions that interest me, and connecting with alums from my university.

Initially, a feeling of insecurity made LinkedIn because everyone is very significant with many experiences. However, on the one hand, I feel proud to connect with some alum from my university who some people often underestimate. Still, many can work in well-known companies thanks to their efforts.

Wow, I’m sorry if this letter is more about telling my own experience; my purpose in writing this is to hope that one day someone will read it and he can feel a slight relief in his heart because he feels he is not alone. The point is for those who are currently at that point, don’t give up; a lot of effort and, of course, praying must also be done to balance it.

