30 Days Writing Challenge, Day 28 : Write About Loving Someone

2 min readApr 6, 2023


Source : Pinterest

Loving someone……. to be honest, I also miss this feeling a little. The feeling of what it feels like to love someone and commit to someone. The last time I felt loved and committed to a relationship was about two or three years ago, and it feels like I won’t be thinking about this one at all for the next few years.

Entering the age of 25, all I have in mind is how to improve and develop. No, there was no trauma from the previous relationship; we parted ways because of a mutual decision that felt we were not in line.

When I say that I love someone, I will prioritize them thoroughly, and I also hope that the person I love will do the same thing even though their love language is different. Because if a relationship wants to go well, then there has to be a take and give from both of them. Everything must be equal and must be able to support one another so that each one can grow to become a more advanced human being than before.

Sorry, I didn’t write much this time because I described complicated feelings. Thank you if someone has read it, and please provide comments in the form of suggestions so that my writing can develop better.

