30 Days Writing Challenge, Day 7 : Favorite Movie

2 min readMar 15, 2023


Source : Pinterest

The genre of film that I like the most is romance and comedy. I have watched many film titles in this genre, but of all, this series of Twilight films is the one that made the most impression on my heart so that I can re-watch this film without feeling bored. Of course, I’m sure many other people also make this film their favorite romantic one.

I remember very well when I first found out about this film when I was in middle school; some of my friends talked about the romance of this film until I finally watched it, and sure enough, this film is the most romantic film that can make me smile to myself like I have butterflies in my stomach.

The Twilight film is a film adaptation of a novel by Stephenie Meyer which consists of four different parts, namely The Twilight Saga New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1, and the last is Breaking Dawn Part 2. Of course, the first thing I like about this film is the visual chemistry of the actors, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Apart from that, the set location for the Twilight film is perfect; even in the past, I wanted to visit the place for the house of Edward Cullen’s family, which is in the middle of the forest but looks very comfortable.

Out of the four chapters, two chapters impressed me the most.
Namely in the New Moon chapter and also Breaking Dawn Part 2. In the New Moon chapter, what impressed me the most was when Edward decided to leave Bella because he didn’t want Bella to become a part of him, namely as a vampire. Both of them feel tormented, and at the end of the film, Bella is trying to save Edward, who wants to give his life to Volturi because he thinks Bella is dead.

Then next in Breaking Dawn Part 2 is the battle scene between the entire Edward family against the Volturi in a vast expanse full of snow. I still remember the feeling of excitement when I watched this scene live in the cinema, and there was a plot twist scene at the end.

