Day 30 : About What I Feel When I Write

2 min readApr 7, 2023
Source image : Pinterest

Finally, I can finish this writing challenge until the 30th day. Now my mood is 100 percent back, and I am excited to write on future topics. I feel reassured when writing because writing can help me to reflect on my thoughts when I’m happy or sad.

I also write via email on a daily routine and then schedule it to reread it. My goal is to do this as a form of self-appreciation for what I have done, and as a benchmark for progress and changes within me, so it’s the same as journaling in a notebook.

I’m a person who listens to songs when writing, and it the difficult things that sometimes I have to find a piece that fits the theme I’m going to write when writing. Also, the room I use must be minimally distracted from other people’s voices.

I can’t deny that when writing a theme that also has to comply with SEO rules; sometimes it’s pretty stressful for me. Especially when the article that is written successively is always the same every week and with a target of how many posts to write in just one day. However, it is like a relationship with a partner, that is, a love-hate relationship. I still love this field.

Therefore, Writing with the theme in this challenge refreshes me because I can write without a burden and according to what I want. For that, whoever made this challenge theme, thank you very much.

